Your income is the driving force behind everything you do. From paying everyday expenses like rent, mortgage, food and utilities to planning for your children's education and saving for retirement. Your income is what makes everything else possible in your life. Your income, over the years, is worth more than all your assets combined. If there is one thing you need to protect, it's your income.
Don't leave your financial future to chance. Protect yourself and your loved ones with custom disability insurance coverage.
Get a quote today and secure your peace of mind.
Protect Against Life's Unexpected. Insuring your income could be the most important thing you ever do. You insure your home, car, and other valuables. Why not protect the very thing that provides for all those items - your income.
1 in 106
1 in 88
1 in 70
1 in 7
Source: Society of Actuaries, the National Safety Council, and/or the Million Dollar Round Table
Wage Armor was founded by experts with collective experience of over 50 years in Disability Insurance. Unlike other e-surers, which are first and foremost tech companies, Wage Armor was created by disability experts, to offer individuals everywhere quick access to carefully selected policies and real professionals, who can be contacted. Offering a wide array of solutions from the nation's top insurers, no matter what type of preofession you're in, Income Armor will find the best solution for your individual needs and budget.